What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient form of treatment involving the insertion of needles into various, highly precise pressure points to promote specific healing responses. It can be used as a treatment in itself, a preventative treatment, and part of a larger treatment plan that combines old medicine with more modern traditional methods, such as physical therapy.
Which Pet Conditions Does Acupuncture Treat?
Acupuncture is used to treat various neurological disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, and inflammation and provide pain management. This includes many of the following conditions:
- Allergic dermatitis
- Lick granulomas
- Respiratory ailments
- Gastrointestinal ailments
- Hip Dysplasia
- Degenerative joint disease
- Intervertebral disc disease
- Traumatic nerve injury
For many pet owners, acupuncture is an acceptable alternative to surgery to help manage the pain their pets experience caused by various health conditions.
Is Acupuncture Right for Your Pet?
We understand that your pet is family. Our goal is to work with you to find the right combination of treatment and therapy processes to offer maximum results with minimal pain to your pet, who may already be experiencing no small amount of pain from their medical conditions.
One of the great things about acupuncture is that it stimulates the production of endorphins for your pet so that your pet’s body can produce what it needs to relieve the pain. It is essential not to simply trust any veterinarian with this task. Only trust one who has had specific training and experience administering acupuncture therapy.
Ready to Give Acupuncture a Try?
Contact Springhurst Animal Hospital today for Louisville area pets who need relief from pain. To learn more about the benefits of pet acupuncture from a qualified veterinarian, give us a call or contact us through our website. We are here to ensure your pet has a happy and healthy life.